Posts in Travel
I should not chew pens #3

So, I was killing time on the train editing my latest story and as I often do I was chewing on my pen.

Don't chew pens

Don't chew pens

There's really nothing to add to this post.

Needless to say, an ink cartridge full of black ink exploding in my face did not find its way on to the list of attractions and activities I was writing for my 'Insiders Guide to Sydney'.

I had to walk through Sydney CBD like this in peak hour.

TravelTim WarringtonComment
I should not ride llamas #2

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.

How awesome is this Llama?

How awesome is this Llama?

Best? Who doesn’t love a weekend getaway to Byron Bay to write about food and wine and Scotch. Wise? Because I had finally discovered whisky and felt all mature and clever, sipping away like a grown-up. Foolish? Because I grossly misjudged its potency and after several glasses decided to shimmy the farmstay's fence and ride their Llama.

TravelTim WarringtonComment
I should not feed Geese #1

As with so many things in life, it seemed a good idea at the time… ignoring the signs and feeding the wildlife at Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra.

Do not be fooled

Do not be fooled

But hindsight is a wonderful thing. No sooner had I flicked the aspic off the pate than a swarm of geese attacked.